History of Papyrology - beta

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My dear Smyly,
I enclose Jouguet's2
article, which you can keep
for the winter. Presumably the ^new number
hasnt reached England yet.
The new number of the Urkunden3
(III. 11) is devoted to Ptolemaic
pieces, cheifly contracts from Gebelen

[begin page 2]

but there are some very broken 3rd
cent B.C. documents4 which look
as if they came from Fayum mummy
cartonnage. A double date occurs, but
the Macedonian month is lost.
Jouguet's papyri by the way make me
more than ever sure that Diophantus
in P.P.II5 p. 3 was strategus
In Euergetes'6 reign, not Philadelphus'7.
I also enclose corrected proof of
those classical fragments in O.P. III8
which are in type. The rest of the book

is written and will be printed
during our absence, and the proofs
will be sent to you in relays. I
dont want them back till April.
We hope to return before the middle
of that month. We leave on the
7th and shall make a short
trip to Wadi Halfa9 before beginning
excavations at Hibeh10 early in
January. Address Cairo, as usual.
Various letters have come from foreign
scholars who profess admiration for
Tebtunis11. Wilcken12 talks of it as an
'Ereigniss für unsere Wissenschaft' and

[begin page 3]

says he will come to Oxford next
August or September to see the papyri
I hope you will be here too. De Ricci13,
who is now στρατευόμενος14 for a year,
is publishing revised texts of Revillout's15
Ptolemaic papyri in the next Archiv16.
Bury will be a great loss to you. I am
rather surprised he should care to go. But
I suppose Mrs B.17 was keen on England.

Love to J.P.M.
Yours ever

1. Presumably 1902.

3. Presumably a reference to Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden.

4. See BGU III 1004-8.

5. Presumably a reference to P.Petr. II.

8. Presumably a reference to P.Oxy. III, which was published 1903.

9. Wadi Halfa(The visit is not mentioned in the EEF Archaeological Report for 1902-1903. It could possibly be a personal trip.)

11. Presumably a reference to P.Tebt I (1902).

14. Translates to "serving in the (French) army." He had become a citizen the year before.

16. Presumably a reference to Archiv für Papyrusforschung. See "Papyrus de Pathyris an musée du Louvre," Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 2 (1903), pp. 515-520"

17. Presumably a reference to Jane, Bury's wife.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 97. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/97/.