History of Papyrology - beta

About the History of Papyrology Website

The edition is incomplete and still in progress.

This website was created by Sarah Tew in partial fullfillment of the requirements for a Laurea magistrale in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge from the University of Bologna under the supervision of Dr. Giulio Iovine and co-sponsorship of Dr. Paola Italia at the University of Bologna in July 2022. The original title of the thesis project was The Smyly Correspondence Project Online.

Transcriptions were made and encoded manually using Transkribus by Sarah Tew, Giuliano Sidro, Millie You, and Maddie Qualls and edited by Dr. Todd Hickey, Director of the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri at the University of California, Berkeley.

Notes and commentary have been provided by Dr. Todd Hickey.

Images of the documents appear courtesy of The Board of Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin. They are displayed here using OpenSeadragon. The deep zoom image files used in the viewer were created with libvips.

The website was created with the static site generator Hugo using layouts and a custom theme created by Sarah Tew.

Special thanks to Terrence Catapano, Information Analyst at the Mark Twain Papers at the University of California, Berkeley for his help and early templates.

For technical questions about the making of this project please contact Sarah Tew.

All XML transcriptions and all resources used to generate this website (excluding image files, OpenSeadragon, and libvips software) can be found at the project’s GitHub Repository.

Editorial Guidelines

Transcriptions are documentary. The text has not been normalized in any way. Handwritten text is rendered in Times New Roman while the printed text of printed letterheads and postcard headings is rendered in Arial.

The layout of the documents is only partially preserved:

Major features of correspondence, such as datelines, signatures, and postscripts have been formatted accordingly.

Indents and whitespace have only been preserved in handwritten tables in ancient Greek where their layout signifcantly impacts the meaning and readability of the information.

Postmarks and stamps have not been rendered on the webpage but are described in the XML headers.

Named entities have been hyperlinked to their Wikidata pages and are rendered in blue.