History of Papyrology - beta

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Dear Smyly,
We are just back. Hunt is
still seedy2 unfortunately but I hope will get
all right now he is at home at Romford3.
You have no doubt heard about our great
hault of Ptolemaic papyri. They will
have to be published separately from our
annual Fund vols, so it will be the deuce
of a job to get through them. We hope
you will join us in the publication.
We are coming to Dublin in about 2 months
time on a short visit to Mahaffy, when
unless you are passing through Oxford before, we
can arrange matters. There is no hurry

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for we cant do anything at the new papyri
this year owing to press of other work
& we dont propose to issue a volume
of them till 1902. Mahaffy will
probably chafe — but in vain. The
crocodile papyri have been largely
flattened out, but the mummy
cartonnage has all to be opened
& we are going to do that ourselves
but not for a year or two.
I hope your book4 is nearly ready.
I enclose a copy of our article in the

Remember me to Mahaffy
Yours B.P.Grenfell

1. Presumably 1900.

2. From The Oxford English Dictionary: Unwell, indisposed, or out of sorts…; Hunt caught influenza in Egypt.

3. Romford, location of his family home.

4. Presumably a reference to P.Petr. III, which would appear in 1905.

5. Unless he sent a "preprint," the article was "Ptolemaic Papyri in the Gizeh-Museum," APF 1 (1900) 57-65.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 95. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/95/.