History of Papyrology - beta

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My dear Smyly,
By all means use
the double dates in the Tebtunis
cartonnáge. Call them Tebt. unpublished.
I have written to Bernard2 to ask
him to change the date to the of my
lectures to the week following
the Fellowship exam3, if possible. I
am in his hands. I should be
delighted to stay for 6 days at

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Dublin if I could spare the time,
but doubt if I can remain more than 3.
The Hibeh vol. has to
be out by December and it will
be a horrid rush to get it
finished — especially as the
papyri are very hard to read and
for various reasons we have not
yet made much progress. Besides
3 Homers4 all differing largely
from the received text there is a long

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piece of Aristotle's treatise on
Rhetoric5 addressed to Alexander,
which seems to have a good many
variants but requires a lot of
cleaning before it can be deciphered
There will be after all some
double dates in the documents,
which we have hardly tackled yet
The calendar6 fits together tolerably
well and outght to be interesting.
I am sorry the Tebtunis cartonnage
is turning out so badly. It is
curious what bad luck we have had

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in that line.
I have been entering some of the corrections
in my copy of PP.I & II and note
the following misprints in Part III
p. 53 no xxv = m.II. xxxvii (c)
p. 52. no. xxiv. Isnt συγγραφή
in (c) l. 11 not 10?
In xiv.21. supply τῆς Ἡρακλείδου
μερίδος with Ἀλαβανθίδος.

With renewed thanks for the proofs,
Yours ever

P.S. You might send the rest of the index
when printed.

1. May 05, 1905

3. Fellows of Trinity College Dublin (Smyly was one) were elected for life by competitive examination. This is the exam referenced.

4. This references P.Hibeh I 19, P.Hibeh I 21, and P.Hibeh I 22.

5. Refers to P. Hibeh I 15; however, the edition does not maintain the identification made in the letter. Instead it contains "a speech by an Athenian general (suasoria)".

6. This presumably references P.Hibeh I 27.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 92. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/92/.