History of Papyrology - beta

[begin page 1]

My dear Smyly,
How have you been
getting on all this time? Is there
any chance of seeing you or
Mahaffy here? We have
now finished the piece de resistance
of our new book & have only
the trimmings in the hope of

[begin page 2]

description indices etc. As usual
it has been an awful rush, we
shall reach nearly 400 pages2 this
time. I send you the proof of the
Horoscope3 . Would you mind seeing
if my representation of your view
is correct. I will also send
you proof of what I have written
on ναύβιον which comes in our
vol. I have endeavoured to keep
out of your way as much as

[begin page 3]

Are you nearly finished4 ? Wilcken's
ostraca5 as usually are expected
daily . It is really a judgement
on him that all the best papyri
from Ahhnês6 were burnt on
arrival at Hamburg7 ! Still
it was d-d rough on the poor
We are going to dig again
in the Fayum. Before we start
in Nov. we have to get ready the
theol. part of Lord Amherst's

[begin page 4]

collection8, these two early
things we got this time have
turned up trumps10.
We shall be paying a visit at
the end of Sept. to Lord Crawford11
at Wigan to look over his collection
If we had time, we should very
much have liked to run over to
Dublin. But I doubt if we
shall be able.

Love to J.P.M.
Bernard P. Grenfell.

1. 1899

2. This refers to P.Oxy. II (1899), which has 358 pages.

3. Find the horoscope in P.Oxy. II.

4. This is probably a reference to P.Petr. III.

5. See Griechische ostraka aus Aegypten und Nubien. See also P.Oxy. II, p. vi for further information.

6. "Ahhnês" is an alternative spelling for "Akhnes" which is also known as Heracleopolis.

7. Cf. (inter alia) The Athenaeum, Oct. 20, 1900, p. 506.

8. The collection was published as P.Amh. I, 1900.

9. Abbreviation for "Christian".

10. See OED "trump" n.2. 2.a, "to turn out well or successfully".

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 82. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/82/.