History of Papyrology - beta

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My dear Smyly,
Very many thanks
for the proofs. You have done
a tremendous lot and it is very
kind of Bury to interest himself
in them. Please give him our best
thanks. As to the ὦ φανείς χάρμα
piece, our first thought was that it was
cretics, but we abandoned it in deference
to Blass ; and it is too late to alter now.

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But your Phaethon idea in the
epigrams seems a great improvement,
and we shall put that in all right. I
am most pleased however with your
remarks on 61 and 72 , in which you
have gone a long way to clear up
things . It is all the more welcome
for because after 4 months absence
it is frightfully difficult to pick
up all the details again which are
necessary for a general theory, and I
still contemplate Appendix I with
horror. Appendix II (on Eureg. II)
is likely to be relegated into a

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footnote and App. iii will
have to be short . It is no good gett-
trying to get to the bottom yet
with the very scanty evidence and we
are under an obligation to get the
book out as soon as possible. At present
we are wrestling with the accounts,
which are simply infernal.
We are going to have an exhibition
of our miscellaneous anticas (not
papyri) with Petrie's , so shall
have to go up to town about the end of
June for a few days. Otherwise
we shall sit very tight here till

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December. The Fund is clammouring
for another Oxyrhynchus vol. and we
have got to produce it before we go
out again. I hope you will be
able to pays us a visit.

Love to Mahaffy,
Yours ever
B.P. Grenfell

1. Proofs of P.Tebt. I.

3. Refers to the first line of P.Tebt. I 1.

5. See P.Tebt. I 3, p. 10.

6. References to texts in P.Tebt. I.

7. In the end, App. II concerns money matters.

9. There is no App. III in the published volume.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 78. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/78/.