History of Papyrology - beta

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Sept 23
My dear Smyly,
Come any day
you like after the 1st Oct.
Probably Mahaffy has told you
we opened a few boxes for him
and some nicer things emerged
When you come we will go through
some more. I am here for a brief
holiday but return to Oxford on

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Tuesday or Wednesday. I expect
to take the concluding part of
the index to the Press on Monday Oct 1st;
we are well on with correcting
the proofs.1 I hope the P.P.
are progressing.
The Amherst papyri are I am
aware not much in your line.
Still the set up & the plates are
pretty and you may as well
have both parts. Whether
Lord A.2 will stand having the

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second part printed as luxuriously
remains to be seen. There are
about 170 papyri to be done
which will make a volume
about 5 lines the size of Part I.
We are going to try and do
most of it before we leave &
are postponing our departure
till about Nov. 20th
au revoir
Yours ever
Bernard P. Grenfell

1. September 23, 1900.

2. "Oct 1st" appears to be written in a different ink; it is possibly a later addition by Grenfell or even Smyly.

3. "Index" and "proofs" presumably refer to P.Fay. (1900).

5. Refers to P.Amh. I.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 76. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/76/.