History of Papyrology - beta

25, Tavistock Square,

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25, Tavistock Square,

Oct 1st

My Dear Smyly,
The Fund this afternoon
caved in,2 which is a blessing,,
so I hope there will be no more
difficulties about the volume.3
Many thanks for the intro to the
survey. The Press is catching us
up fast having near printed
up to no. 32.4 We are going to get

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17.55 printed by itself. shortly.
By the way you left a couple
of shirts behind.6 Shall I send
them to Dublin?

Yours ever

I hope you have had a good
holiday. A. S. H. returned
yesterday after a week's absence.

1. This address was associated with Alan Gardiner at this time.

2. The Egypt Exploration Fund agreed to make P.Tebt. I the subscribers' volume for 1900/1901 and 1901/1902.

3. P.Tebt. I

5. A crocodile reference. Several papyri are associated with it, but he must mean P.Tebt. I 61.

6. When he visited Oxford earlier in the year (P.Tebt. I, p. ix).

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 69. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/69/.