History of Papyrology - beta

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My dear Smyly,
I am sorry that the
cartonnage hasnt turned out better.
Luck seems to be still against us, though
it will go very hard if we dont get some
good Greek ones ultimately. At least
two ^ mummies that we undid were admirable—
except for their being demotic. We will
send you another box as soon as you are
ready for it. The cartonnage doesnt
improve by keeping. As soon as we have
got out Oxyrhynchus IV, we shall
devote 2 or 3 months to flattening

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out. I hope you will pay us a
visit in Sept. and inspect the results.
We should be glad to receive your
suggestions soon, as we shall
begin sending back the proofs as soon
as Easter is over and shall
proceed quickly. Blass has returned
his and we have reams of suggestions
from various quarters on the Livy1
Does the discussion of the logia
strike you as very obscure ? I
should be glad to have your candid opinion.
The Committee2 wants the separate
edition to be more 'popular' !3

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The last 10 days of our excavations,
when we moved to a different part of the
site, were very fruitful, and there are
good prospects for next year. I stayed
a week in Italy on my way home,
and saw much of Lumbroso at Rome.
His hospitality was, as usual, quite
overwhelming, though I found out
afterwards he was in sad trouble,4
his son Albert having gone off
with a woman to France and deserted
his family.
Traill's appointment must be a
bitter pill for Mahaffy, for whose

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disappointment I am very sorry. I
must say Traill hardly seems a big
enough man for the post.
How is P.P.III ?

Yours Ever
Bernard P. Grenfell

2. Epitome of Livy, Ab urbe condita: 037-040, 047-055 (epitomized)

4. Refers to the Egyptian Exploration Fund committee

5. This edition may never have appeared. It cannot be Sayings of Our Lord from an early Greek Papyrus (Egypt Exploration Fund; 1897).

7. May be a faint comma.

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 48. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/48/.