History of Papyrology - beta

[begin page 1]

My Dear Smyly,
I ought to have written before
to thank you for th sending the copies
of the crocodile papyri, but, the light
being good we have been working all
day at the crocodiles and in the evenings
at the Amherst index, which is near
thank heaven finished.
I congratulate you on your copies, and am
sorry you found them rather uninteresting. I
am afraid we kept most of the best here.

[begin page 2]

The προστάγματα will be the piece de resistance,
there are 6 large columns, complete or
nearly so, and parts of several others.
There must have been quite a Reform Bill1
in B.C. 120. But there are lots of other
nice things, eg. two or three long
surveys of land ἐν ἀφέσει (i.e. ἱερά and
κληρουχική), giving a mass of details
about the κάτoiκοι. Also another^ enormous document
resembling 17.5 (of which by the way
there are several more mutilated columns)
We have decided not to include any
Augustus papyri in this volume, so
crocodiles 1 and 19 will have to wait;

[begin page 3]

and dont bother any more about these
Are there any more papyri chez vous
likely to be worth publishing ? I seem
to remember your having some tax-receipts
of a very illegible character. We
have copied abo over 100 tombs.
Will you come on Aug. 3 or 5th?
We shall be delighted to see you.
I am in College till the 9th, when
my mother returns. Till the 9th?
Will put you in rooms on the next

[begin page 4]

How is Mahaffy ? I have not had a
word from him. Tell him to come at
the end of August without fail.
Macan was dining with me the other
night. He is quite 'human', as M.
would say.
Dont forget to bring the proofs of P.P.
with you.

Yours ever
B. P. Grenfell

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 44. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/44/.