History of Papyrology - beta

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My Dear Smyly,
We havent yet brought the
Fund and American to terms about the
publication of the Tebtunis vol., the
Fund having been very tiresome. It is
on the cards that it wont take the
book as the annual vol. of the G. R. B.
However, whether it does so or not,
we have are going to do the volume
and in fact started on it about a
fortnight ago, the Amherst papyri being
finished except the indices. A lot of nice

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things have emerged, including several
decr1 proclamations and προστάγματα.
There is a whole series of the latter on
the verso of one of these big survey lists,
dealing with all sorts of subjets and
the very d-2 to read.
I am going to London (39 Branham
Gardens, S.W.) on the 27th till July 3rd
and Hunt will be away the first week
in July. By the end of July we shall
have done with the Amherst papyri altogether
and shall have tolerable copies of the
crocodile papyri we intend to publish.
If you could come to Oxford in August,
it would suit us best. If you would like

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to come into College, it can easily be
managed. Sayce will be here.
I hope you are nearly at the end of the
P.P. now. Bring the proof of it when
you come. Could you let us have
the copies you have made, early in
July so that we may compare them with
our texts when revising our rough copies.
Love to Mahaffy, who I hope will
as usual come at the end of August.
Hunt is still living here, and will
do so for a year at any rate.
You mustnt let us prevent your having
a proper holiday. au revoir soon

Yours ever
B.P. Grenfell

1. Possibly the beginning of the word "decrees".

2. Likely 'deuce'

Cite this page: Center for the Tebtunis Papyri. Document 43. History of Papyrology. https://histpap.info/letters/43/.